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It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

It’s that time of year again! What time, you ask? The time when the leaves actually change in Williamsburg, the time when it gets dark at 5 pm, the time when Christmas music starts being played everywhere you go, the time when the entire SOE is overwhelmed by the amount of school work we have to do in the next five or six weeks?

No! It’s time to write a novel! That’s right, November is National Novel Writing Month, an overly joy-filled event where 300,000+ people write a 50,000-word novel in just 30 days. Yes, people just like us, who are overwhelmed and don’t have enough time to do anything fun. It’s actually easier to write a novel when you’re busy, because when you have 1000 things to do, adding thing number 1001 is just not that big a deal.

This will be my ninth year participating in National Novel Writing Month, and every year it makes the fact that winter is coming and school is overwhelming just a little bit easier to handle. Why? Because writing a novel makes you happy! It’s a fun-filled adventure through your imagination, and as it turns out, our imaginations are filled with wondrous things that most of us never tap into.

Run wild with your imagination and add some much needed self-care into your November. Write a novel!